I have been volunteering with Friends of Rescue (FOR) since March 2014. There have been a lot of dogs and cats that have captured a piece of my heart. I meet them when their foster parents bring them for their imaging sessions. If all goes well, in a few weeks they get adopted, and they move from foster to permanent homes. If I’m lucky, the adoptive parents send notes and images to let me know how their new family members are doing, but I rarely see them again. And that is good, because it means they are loved and will be well. But every once in a while, this is not the end of the story…
Jack is a gorgeous cat. I still remember the first time I saw him. His foster mom brought him out of his carrier, and he was huge! He also has a big personality, and is very photogenic. He was adopted last summer, and I thought I would not see him again. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, Jack was returned to FOR a few weeks ago. I hope that these images help him find a forever home. And while I will be sad to see him leave, it will be good for him to have a successful search for a loving family.