It’s been a long time between updates, but I have also reduced the number of sessions conducted with Friends of Rescue. I have missed working with feline fosters, and jumped right in when asked to photograph four kittens and two young mother cats.
I must admit that, as I drove to the foster home, I wondered if I would be able to capture their images, or if I would be so out of practice that it would not work. Thankfully, the session subjects were napping, and were also willing to indulge the “visitor with the black box”. We all had a good time… at least I hope they did. I certainly enjoyed it! Here are some of the images we made together.
I want to make a point that should be obvious, but can easily be forgotten: foster families are amazing. They offer their homes, and dedicate time to give the animals a place to feel safe, learn to trust, recover from illness and, sometimes, neglect. Foster parents work hard to give their charges the chance to find homes and families of their own. It is always hard to let the fosters go when adoptions finally happen. Tears are shed as the new families drive away. It is not easy to go thru heartache on a regular basis, but a happy ending (adoption) opens space again for new fosters.